Nebraska Firearms Training

Welcome to the Nebraska Concealed Carry website!
Chris was one of the first Instructors certified by the Nebraska State Patrol to teach the required class for the Nebraska
Concealed Handgun Permit. Chris has consistently taught classes for 15 years all over the state.
If you want a class taught by someone knowledgeable and passionate about concealed carry in Nebraska, you've come to the
right place.
If you want a cheap, quick, discount class taught in a place with a revolving door of random instructors... This class
isn't for you. You won't find a list of Instructors here with exaggerated Law Enforcement and Military backgrounds. Looks
great on a website, but these folks won't be the ones teaching your class when you sign up there :-)
15 years later I still have past students emailing me with questions and I'm happy to answer. You won't find that in many
Our classes are kept to small groups, and we stay focused on what you need to know to get you through the class in a safe
and fun environment.
Email if you have questions. Sign up here on the website, click the link on the left side of the
Visit our FACEBOOK page and become a Fan
